
作者:荷马奖章   2021年04月16日 15:52  中国诗歌网    224    收藏



















We are very pleased to inform you, the distinguished Canadian poet, Tim Lilburn that you have been awarded the European Medal of Poetry and Art HOMER by the Chapter decision.

   “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

—Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses. 1942

Homer is the father of European and world culture, and his two great epics—the Iliad and the Odyssey— are the foundation of literature, the eternal inspiration for art and culture. The blind singer left a message of universality and built monuments, which are not dashed by centuries. Visions of this great creator had the power of flames and ignited the imagination from antiquity to the present. Thus, a great heritage group of worldwide artists was called into existence, September 2015, in Brussels, to inaugurate the European Medal of Poetry and Art. Medal recipients were artists from USA, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Brazil, Morocco, and China.

The European Medal of Poetry and Art, HOMER, will be awarded to outstanding creators in the world of literature and the visual arts. A jury will award the artists, whose works will be, with simplicity and beauty, universal messages to the world, reflecting the ancient patterns. The most important category is the level of artistry and the power of transmission, so that subsequent winners may enrich the pantheon of their spiritual father, Homer.

The members of the Chapter wish to emphasize the importance of your poetry for contemporary Canadian culture and the whole world. You belong to some of the greatest poets of our time.

With thoughts rooted in western intellectual history from Plato to Christian contemplative tradition and indigenous culture imagination on North America, year by year, books of poetry by Tim Lilburn, with his transcendental hunger and high challenging levels of aesthetic accomplishment have steadily surprised their readers and deepened them. Mighty-bound words hold together in his poems and achieve a stunning and dazzling effect within a parallel word life in extraordinary landscapes of particular mountains, rivers, prairies, and oceans in Canada. Committed to his distinct contemplative way of working, in poems of significant mystical-ecological imagination, Lilburn unflaggingly seeks to find and help to form the grounds for more fruitful conversations between settler culture and the indigenous North America imagination. Insisting on knowing the world through poetry being his practice and way, Lilburn presses his radical epistemology into the naming action of language, renovates the way we see the world as well as the nature of that seeing which includes its paradox of knowing a thing is unknowable while intensely seeing it. Lilburn is one of a handful of poets who write the most sophisticated, engaging and distinctive poetry in the English language today, and he is a model for contemporary poets both in the depth of poetic thoughts and the complexity of his poetic art.

Darius Thomas Lebioda                           


President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER

Zhao Si                                                 


Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER

Jalal el Hakmaoui                                  


Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER



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