
作者:荷马奖章   2021年04月16日 16:08  中国诗歌网    335    收藏




















We are very pleased to inform you, the distinguished Spanish poet, Juan Carlos Mestre that you have been awarded the European Medal of Poetry and Art HOMER by the Chapter decision.

   “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

—Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses. 1942

Homer is the father of European and world culture, and his two great epics—the Iliad and the Odyssey— are the foundation of literature, the eternal inspiration for art and culture. The blind singer left a message of universality and built monuments, which are not dashed by centuries. Visions of this great creator had the power of flames and ignited the imagination from antiquity to the present. Thus, a great heritage group of worldwide artists was called into existence, September 2015, in Brussels, to inaugurate the European Medal of Poetry and Art. Medal recipients were artists from USA, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Brazil, Peru, China, etc..

The European Medal of Poetry and Art, HOMER, will be awarded to outstanding creators in the world of literature and the visual arts. A jury will award the artists, whose works will be, with simplicity and beauty, universal messages to the world, reflecting the ancient patterns. The most important category is the level of artistry and the power of transmission, so that subsequent winners may enrich the pantheon of their spiritual father, Homer.

The members of the Chapter wish to emphasize the importance of your poetry for contemporary Spanish culture and the whole world. You belong to some of the greatest poets of our time.

Juan Carlos Mestre, Homer, these are two names that do not require any adjectives; they have already converged on the road of a brilliant poetic tradition. Each poet addresses all the major themes of existence: life, death, love and nothingness, which are born anew from their imaginations; they metamorphose, until an infinite and impassable imagery develops into an exact science. Mestre, as the Latin source mester (craft) of the name suggests, is intoxicated with the rural landscape, waters and forests, shepherds and farmers, yet also explores what the city used to be in its glory or what the tomb looks like when its adornments fade, and the dreams that have not yet been dreamed by man. In the place where rational inquiry and the power-striking scepter can't touch, he writes and draws with colored ink, uses the mud and metal to make the shape of the god, while activating the sound of the words on paper and in silence how can this act of naming be silent? Highlighting his performance as a troubadour, a jongleur, of this era, riding between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, he composes and sings his poems, accompanied by different musical instruments, and music comes out when he opens his mouth, poetry and music fusing to create a single form of truth and beauty. From regular landscape poetry to prophetic verse, to the prose poem and unusual verbal associations, each time he goes behind or beyond usual understanding for the truth and beauty outside the chimes of the church, light as air, playful as a game, adept at the disguise and the ecstasy, possessed by the devil of laughter in which the magnetic shadow of the absurd can be seen in the background. In short, Mestre arrives at the very substance of the imagination: untethered by responsibility, freeing himself from the aridity of usual human concerns, he seeks a hidden immortal grasp.

(Juan Carlos Mestre, Homero, dos nombres que no requieren ninguna adjetivación, ya se han cruzado desde hace tiempo en la brillante tradición poética, abordando todos los grandes temas de la existencia: la vida, la muerte, el amor y la Nada, que nacen de sus manos, metamorfosean, hasta que se desarrolle una imaginería infinita e intransitable a ciencia exacta. Mestre, haciéndo uso de su innato “mester”, reivindica el ámbito rural, de aguas y de bosques, de pastores y campesinos, busca cómo era la ciudad o la tumba desteñida de lo artificial, y moldea la cultura presoñada por el hombre. En lo que está al otro lado de la vara de medir y golpear del poder, dibuja-escribe con tinta, y le da plasticidad al barro y metal, mientras activa el sonido de las palabras aún en papel y en silencio -¿cómo puede ser callado el acto de denominar? Destacándo su desempeño como trovador y juglar de esta época a caballo entre los siglos xx y xxi, compone y canta sus poemas, acompañados por diferentes instrumentos musicales, y le sale música al abrir la boca, donde la poesía y la música eran una sola forma de verdad y belleza. De lo regular del paisaje a lo profético del versículo, hasta el poema en prosa y las asociaciones verbales inusitadas, va cada vez detrás de la verdad y belleza fuera de las campanadas de la iglesia, ligero como el aire, lúdico como un juego, adepto al disfraz y el despiste, poseído por el demonio de una risa en la que se advierte, al fondo, la sombra magnética del absurdo. Dicho brevemente, Mestre llega a la esencia misma de la imaginación: sin ataduras responsables, liberándose de la aridez de las habituales preocupaciones humanas, procura un entendimiento oculto, inmortal.)

Darius Thomas Lebioda   


President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER

Zhao Si                                  


Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER

Renato Sandoval Bacigalupo       


Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER



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